Festive tree


Happy Festive Friyay!

Today I’m playing along with the current colour challenge over at the 52 Christmas Card Throwdown!

When I saw that this week’s colour palette was green, white and gold I knew I would have to make a card with a tree!

I decided to use the larger tree from the Concord & 9th Cloche die set that I bought before last Christmas and oddly used for the February Colour Challenge! I cut it from Craft Consortium paper and then die cut elements from glitter and mirror card. for the card base, I used a Simply Graphic die and a few hand punches.

To complete my card, I added a sentiment from a Hero Arts set from 2005!

Thanks for stopping by!



  1. Beautiful card! You used the colour palette very nicely! Thanks for playing at 52 CCT challange.


  2. You followed the desired colors beautifully. Thanks for joining us on the 52CCT challenge Goga


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